Author: Jacqueline Bertrand


Why Don’t We Eat Bugs in North America?

Thousands of years ago large mammalian animals became domesticated to haul, provide meat, leather and milk products and agriculture increased the ability for a sedentary life leaving behind the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Today this hunter-gatherer...



Come join us for our 3rd Annual Science North Butterfly Count on July 26 and 27, 2016. What is a Butterfly Count? A butterfly count is an event organized by people who share their...


Entomophagy For You

Come visit Science North this summer and try some of our new edible bugs! Here at Science North’s Nature Exchange we have partnered up for summer 2016 with Entomo Farms to help expand the...


Butterflies drum, but not in a band.

One way a butterfly finds a larval food plant is to “drum” the leaf. The butterfly is not looking for food for itself but instead settles for brief moments on leaves. Upon close examination...