Category: Earth Science


Finding Evidence of Early Life

When did life first emerge on Earth? This is a question asked time and time again. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact date; however, scientists are finding new evidence of ancient life forms...


Discovering Gemstones - October Edition

October’s gemstone, opal, is a very colourful, iridescent and eye-catching stone that can range in colour from fiery reds and deep blues to crystal clear wonders. Geologists have classified opals into five main categories:...


Discovering Gemstones - September Edition

Sapphire, the gemstone of September, brings to mind a beautiful dark blue stone. But in fact, sapphires come in a variety of colours! Corundum, the mineral that sapphire is composed of, can have impurities...


Discovering Gemstones – August Edition

August’s birthstone, peridot, comes from the mineral olivine, which is found in meteorites! The peridot colouring ranges depending on the proportions of iron and magnesium in its mineral structure. Iron-rich peridot appears more brown,...