Author: Jonathan Jerome


What’s Mercury doing to the Sun?

Get ready for an amazing astronomical alignment! On May 9th, 2016, we’ll be able to see the planet Mercury during the daytime as its orbit takes it right across the face of the Sun!  ...


Water on Mars

Ordinarily, water wouldn’t stay liquid for very long on the surface of Mars, where the average global temperature is -63˚C (-81˚F)…


Is Pluto a Planet Again?

The object formerly known as the planet Pluto has been receiving a lot of attention over the past couple weeks.


Cosmic coincidence

Mark your calendars, because a triple-threat of astronomical events is coming up! But don’t worry, there’s no cause for alarm.


What is a “sun dog?”

Have you ever noticed on cold days a weird rainbow like halo around the sun? Find out here what it is and why it happens!


Why is Mars red?

The planet Mars is associated with the colour red in many different languages and stories throughout human history, because of its vivid…